21 Savage Defends His Face Tats: If Its On My face, Its Deep.

April 2024 · 2 minute read

21 Savage isn't impervious to the chatter about face tattoos going up. The conversation envelops different segments of the population, with people generally disagreeing on their aesthetic merit. 21 Savage sat down with GQ to discuss the importance of his face tats, and how they are distinguishable from those of his peers, starting with his neck line.

21 opened about his first face tattoo which he got with his brother Larry, a cursive 21 beside his left eye. Since Larry had passed away, 21 added an RIP at the very top of the tattoo along with his name, completing the task of honoring his fallen comrade. Given the respectful nature of his first two tattoos, 21 has designated his face as a place of significance. The tattoos that followed: Block Boy & Death Before Dishonor, and the now infamous dagger between his eyes reflect codified language he only shares with closest allies.

He admits that most of the religious imagery appearing on his body is bereft of meaning, and only there because it "looks cool," none of which he regrets to this day. Even a "Stewie" tattoo with guns blazing strikes a memory dear to his heart, as do manufacturing emblems such as Ferrari and Maybach. As for the face tats, they ain't there for sport. 21 Savage says, "If it’s on my face, it’s deep, It's got to stand for something."
