3 cooking shows like FOX's Crime Scene Kitchen

September 2024 ยท 6 minute read

When it comes to interesting cooking shows, FOX's Crime Scene Kitchen is definitely on the top 10 list. The show not only focuses on mouth-watering baked treats, but it also brings in the elements of mystery and deduction. Fans of the cooking show will be happy to know that season 2 will start airing today, May 22, 2023, at 8 p.m. ET, according to TVLine.

The cooking show is hosted by actor Joel McHale, and talented chefs Yolanda Gampp and Curtis Stone serve as the judges.

In Crime Scene Kitchen, the contestants have to inspect a "crime scene" where a type of dessert was made, but there are only traces and crumbs left behind. They then have to recreate the recipe for the judges. The finished baked goods are scored on how close they come to the original dessert and, of course, on taste.

According to reports, the new season will see the bakers divided into two groups, self-taught and professionally trained. Of course, the hefty cash prize of $100,000 will be enough to motivate the contestants to give their all.

Although Crime Scene Kitchen introduces deduction in a new way, there are a few other cooking shows that also bring a little mystery to the challenges to keep it interesting for the contestants and the audience.

3 cooking shows that blend great food and mysterious twists

1) Chopped Sweets (2019)

Chopped is a popular cooking show that debuted back in 2009. Chopped Sweets is a spin-off of the show that focuses on desserts. Hosted by Scott Conant, the show premiered on February 3, 2020, and has three seasons till date.

The mystery element in this cooking show comes in the form of unusual ingredients that the contestants are presented with at the start of each round. The chefs have no idea what is in the basket, and the combination of items are usually varied and bizarre enough to present a real challenge.

The best part about this show is seeing how chefs think of creative ideas on the spot and make the most of their ingredients in such a short span of time. Chopped Sweets can be streamed on Prime Video and Discovery Plus.

2) Is It Cake? (2022)

Hosted by Mikey Day, Is It Cake is a mix between a cooking competition and a game show. The idea is not only for contestants to create great cakes but they are made to look exactly like common objects.

The cooking show has plenty of suspense because the celebrity judges have to distinguish the cakes from the objects just by looking at them, and the bakers don't make it easy.

The best thing about the show is that the audience at home can see the amount of effort that the contestants put into each creation, and also take guesses to see if they can get it right.

Overall, it is a fun show that combines great-looking cakes with elements of fun guesswork that make for an entertaining watch and will quite definitely give one a craving for desserts. Season 1 of the show can be streamed on Netflix.

3) Snack vs Chef (2022)

Hosted by comedians Megan Stalter and Hari Kondabolu, this cooking show has a unique concept. The show has two rounds. In the first round, contestants recreate a popular snack and in the second round, they have to create an original snack inspired by the chosen snack they recreated earlier.

The mystery element here is for contestants to find a way to break down the snacks and figure out how to make them from scratch. It is no secret that the popular snacks that we find in every supermarket are not easy to replicate but it is always a treat to watch the contestants try their best to get their snacks as close to the original as possible.

Without a doubt, round 1 is more entertaining to watch than round 2, because it is more of a challenge. Overall, it is a fun cooking show that will get you reaching for the snacks in your pantry. Season 1 can be streamed on Netflix.

If you like watching Crime Scene Kitchen, then you will definitely enjoy these 3 cooking shows that blend fun concepts, mysterious twists, and tempting food to keep you glued to the screen.

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