What is the key feature that makes a face stand out? While the logical assumption might be your standard nose, eyes, mouth, it's the brows that hold the highest face value.
Beyond their function as a filter against dust, dirt and sweat that might get in your eyes, brows have a strong social significance for "emotional expression as well as facial recognition," reports Yahoo! Health.
Given the general fascination with lush eyebrows lately, we can't say we're surprised. We all want Cara Delevingne's arches, and if we weren't blessed with a set of bold beauties at birth, we're compensating with brow tints, growth-stimulating serums and even hair transplant procedures, which are becoming increasingly popular.
Now, our obsession with arches is finally validated with factual evidence. In a recent study conducted by the University of Lethbridge in Canada, researchers showed people 25 images of celebrities without eyebrows, followed by 25 images of celebrities without eyes. Participants were able to correctly identify 56 percent of the celebrities shown without eyes, but only 46 percent of the celebrities without eyebrows. The findings? Brows are more important than eyes if you want to make a lasting impression.
Thank you, science.

Sarah Lindig is the senior digital editor, overseeing special projects for Harper's Bazaar.