What Former Teen Pop Stars Are Up To Now

January 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Late-'80s pop had Debbie Gibson, who could sing, play instruments, and write her own music; and Tiffany, who could...find her way around a mall. While you'd think that means one has a bustling career and the other doesn't, the sad truth is pop music cares less about talent than youth, something nobody can conquer. So, after a couple hit albums, both girls petered out and found themselves struggling for relevancy.

While both still record music, much of their artistic output has been reality TV and cheesy B-movie schlock. Tiffany appears on shows like Celebrity Fit Club and Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling (she was cut in Week 1, significantly reducing the chances of Tiffany ever main-eventing WrestleMania), and her movie career includes such gems as Mega Piranha and Mega Python vs. Gatoroid. Additionally, Tiffany does stuff like the "Klondike Celebrity Challenge," featuring the saddest full-circle ever: Tiffany singing in malls again, 25 years after she stopped. We're sure the 15 people who still mallhop were thrilled to hear "I Think We're Alone Now" again played the way God intended it.

Gibson, meanwhile, has juggled new recordings and a decent Broadway career with tripe like Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark, and...Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, where she and Tiffany fought each other like Captain America and Iron Man (both wound up monster reptile food, by the way). She was also fired by Donald Trump in Celebrity Apprentice, and appeared on Skating With Celebrities and Celebrity Ghost Stories, where she regaled us with the spooky story of meeting Liberace's ghost.

Basically, if you want to enjoy seeing celebrities without enjoying the reason they became celebrities, these ladies got you covered.
