Red Oak is the king of hardwoods and oaks, especially when it comes to smoking meats. Oak is strong, but it does not tend to overpower the taste and texture of the meat. If you are cooking or smoking beef or lamb, this is the best hardwood to use.Click to see full answer. Also, is Oak Wood good to smoke with?In the middle part of the spectrum are woods like hickory, maple, pecan, and oak. They’re great with pork, and strong enough to stand up to beef and game meats. Purviance’s personal favorites to smoke with are hickory and oak. It can be a invaluable wood to smoke with*—*if you do it in moderation. what is the best wood for smoking meat? Oak. Oak is the quintessential go-to for smoking meat. Hickory. The most versatile choice as it can be used to smoke wood in many ways. Maple. One of the most subtle smoking wood, it will impart a more subtle smoke flavor. Mesquite. A hardy wood packing intense flavor. Pecan. Apple. Alder. Cherry. Correspondingly, what type of oak is best for smoking? Red oak and white oak are two types of wood used for barbecue grilling and cooking. White oak burns longer than other types of oak and is best suited for dishes that require a long cooking time. Smoking meat inside a smoker is one example where white oak works well.What wood should you not smoke with?Softwoods. Avoid wood from conifers such as pine, redwood, fir, spruce, cypress, or cedar. These trees contain high levels of sap and turpenes, which results in a funny taste and can make people sick. Cedar planks are popular for cooking salmon, but don’t burn the wood for smoke.