You Cheated (Again)! We're Over (Again)!

August 2024 · 4 minute read

We really hope you’re sitting down for this stunning piece of news, celebrity gossip fans:

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro have broken up for a record-breaking 179th time.

Equally stunning, according to multiple outlets, is that this break-up is bitter and contentious and centers around rumors of one side cheating on the other.

Seriously, prepare for your jaw to slam against the floor as you read the totally unexpected details of what has transpired once again between the Jersey Shore stars…

On Thursday evening, just as a new episode of this MTV hit was airing, Harley posted several message on her Instagram Stories that trashed her on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again boyfriend.

Most damning of all?

Harley shared a photo of two people from the back that appeared to be Ronnie and some mystery woman on a boat.

"Is this love?? Or is this a mistake?” she wrote on the photo, which features the woman’s arm around the man.

“This is Ron this weekend with another girl again," she added.

Ronnie and Jen are the parents to a daughter named Ariana.

The poor girl was born in April of 2018 — and, within weeks of this blessed event, her parents were going at it in ugly and digusting fashion for all to see.

Harley slammed Ronnie as a deadbeat dad last spring, while Ronnie labeled the mother of his child a cum dumpster.

The reality stars have split and gotten back together multiple times since then, with Harley arrested on one occasion for domestic battery against Ronnie and with Harley almost definitely hurling an ashtraty at Ronnie on another occasion.

Earlier this year, Ronnie checked into rehab for alcoholism and depression, explaining that he hit rock bottom.

But then he was right back with Jen almost as soon as he checked out.

Back to this latest break-up, however:

"Ron and the cast, everyone always apologize to me for saying the thing they have to say about me (sic)," Harley added last night on Instagram.

"But I can’t take the abuse anymore… I’m the one bullied and abused by everyone just [because] I don’t post the things that happen to me doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen!!

"Isn’t it weird you never hear my side?? BC I don’t need to tell it."

She did not elaborate on the meaning behind this message.

Sources, though, have told People Magazine, E! News and Us Weekly that Ronnie did NOT cheat on Harley.

"Ronnie did not cheat," says one insider to Us Weekly, adding:

"That girl is a friend of his and that was from a boat party on Monday with a bunch of people. She was there for him because they broke up middle of last week and she was being that friend consoling him.

"He was really upset."

Indeed, all three of these websites also confirm the break-up.

"She’s moved out of the house,” writes People. "Ron wants to focus on his daughter and her well-being."

Jen, meanwhile, remains convinced that the MTV personality has been disloyal.

"She’s no mistake I mean,” she wrote along with another photo of Ronnie and this alleged mistress. “Mystery supposedly her name is Robin and she’s married from our Orange County.

From there, Jen accused Ronnie of being "verbally aggressive" and "physically aggressive," but she did so by quoting an ex-girlfriend.

As you can see below, Harley posted a screenshot of comments made by Malika Haqq following her breakup with Ortiz-Magro.

In June po 2017, Haqq told People of Ortiz-Magro:

“Ronnie and I are really, truly opposites. His love language is very aggressive. It’s verbally aggressive, it’s physically aggressive. It’s just the way he expresses himself."

Jen agreed with this statement in her screenshot and accused MTV of protecting Ronnie because he’s an "asset." 

Not ass hat, asset. As in he makes them a lot of money.

As for why Ronnie stuck with Harley after all their ups (we assume there have been some, at some point) and extreme downs?

"We keep fighting for something, so there’s got to be something there," he just said on last week’s episode of Jersey Shore.

Ronnie Looks Sad

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Reveals Rehab Stint, Admits Hitting Rock Bottom


"And it’s not the baby, because people raise kids without each other all the time. So it’s got to be something deeper."

Nope, not really, dude.

It’s probably just very good sex. And it’s probably time to cut the cord. For real. For good. And forever and ever.
