10 Jokes You May Have Missed In Arrested Development Season Four

April 2024 · 2 minute read
[h2]5) Sally Sitwell has alopecia[/h2]

Arrested Development

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I was a bit surprised so few people figured this one out the first time through, but I guess it’s pretty subtle, and I barely got it when it happened. The scene with Christine Taylor and Ben Stiller, who I totally forgot are actually married in real life, as Sally Sitwell and Tony Wonder is another season highlight, for me at least. It’s cemented by the moment where she’s shaving his legs, and says it’s the first time she’s ever shaved a leg before. Then there’s a long pause. Really long. Just to let that sentence sink in. And if that wasn’t enough, her eyebrow falls off, Tony thinks it’s a caterpillar, refers to other times it’s happened, and we’re tipped off to the fact that Sally has the same follical condition as her father.

[h2]6) Pete the mailman gets a sendoff[/h2]

Arrested Development

It’s a little detail, but I love it. At the funeral for James Carr, the real estate agent played by Ed Helms, there are some mildly conspicuous vans of some kind driving in the background of the cemetery. You only get a brief glimpse of it, but it becomes clear that these are mail trucks after you see the sign that says “R.I.Pete.”

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