Ex-WWE star says making out with Stephanie McMahon with her "b**bs hanging out" was fun

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff recently recalled his experience kissing Stephanie McMahon.

After leading WCW in the Monday Night Wars in the 1990s, Eric Bischoff joined his former rival, WWE, in 2002 as the new RAW General Manager. That same year, he feuded with his SmackDown counterpart, Stephanie McMahon. As part of the storyline, he forcefully kissed The Billion Dollar Princes in a backstage segment on the Blue Brand.

During a recent episode of his 83 Weeks podcast, Bischoff discussed his experience kissing Linda McMahon. He also opened up about making out with Stephanie.

"Look, Stephanie, you know, younger, obviously, you know, physically, because she's younger, much more attractive, you know, at the time that I made out with Stephanie with a little witch hat on, b**bs hanging out. You know, that was pretty fun," he said. (H/T wrestlingnews.co)

Stephanie McMahon reportedly did not want to kiss Eric Bischoff on WWE TV. Check out the story here.

The WWE Hall of Famer enjoyed kissing Linda McMahon more than Stephanie McMahon

Nearly a year after his backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon, in which he kissed her, Eric Bischoff made out with her mother, Linda, in Vince McMahon's house as part of another storyline.

During the same episode of 83 Weeks, the former RAW General Manager compared Linda's kiss to Stephanie's.

"I think she [Linda] was a better kisser than Stephanie to be honest. (...) There's something about, you know, it's that MILF thing. It's just awesome. You could tell she hadn't had a lot of attention in a bit because she, at first, you know, she probably felt like I did. Oh, this is so awkward and this is the guy that tried to put us out of business and all the things that I did, and now here I am in her office, in her home, physically accosting her."

He continued:

"But there was that moment when I could feel her resisting. She was stiff as a board and then she just kind of melted into my arms. It was quite the experience. Yeah, it's f**king strange. I can't believe I'm even saying any of this stuff," he explained. (H/T wrestlingnews.co)

Check out two rumors about the McMahons that were true and three that weren't here.

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