Release date, where to buy, items, and all you need to know ahead of Scream 6

February 2024 · 5 minute read

Stabby Meals is a Scream-themed spin on McDonald's own Happy Meal. It includes all the classic meal elements: burgers, drinks, fries, pies, and a classic toy.

Debuting on February 24, 2023, in West Hollywood, the Stabby meal will be well-known before the release of Scream 6 on March 10. The meal will be brought to the forefront in collaboration with Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Media Group, and a pop-up Chain restaurant in Los Angeles.

Paramount, Spyglass, and Chain come together to make the Stabby meal

Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group extended an official contract to Chain, the brainchild of Chef Tim Hollingsworth and actor/writer BJ Novak, among others.

Chain is an LA-based pop-up restaurant that picks up famous dishes from huge chains and adds a little twist to them. It has done so with well-known items like Taco Bell’s Crunchwrap, BJ’s Pizookie, Chili’s Southwestern Egg Rolls, and Outback Steakhouse’s Bloomin’ Onion.

According to Thrillist:

"They recreate them with high-quality ingredients, precise technique, and a chef’s touch, bringing your childhood favorites back to life in exciting, modern ways."

Thrillist said that the Stabby meal will include:

“The Extremely Medium Sized Bone Marrow ChainBurger comes as a half-pound bone marrow beef patty topped with American cheese, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard, and Chain’s umami seasoning blend all on a poppy seed bun. The Throwback Fries are simple, classic fries done right. And then Woodsboro Orchards Warm Apple Pie is, of course, a take on McDonald’s Baked Apple Pie, a hand-held cylinder of hot apples and cinnamon.”

The meal also includes awaited toys in the form of Scream 6 pins. These pins will become a collector's item among Scream franchise fans.

There are four collectible pins in total - one in each meal. The toys feature a bloody buck knife, a subway car, and two actresses who star in the movie - Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera. The promotional video features Roger L. Jackson, who voiced the original Ghostface and Scream in 1996.

Getting on the waitlist to acquire the Stabby meal is the same as obtaining another Chain item. You sign up through their Instagram account and get a text alert when their reservations start coming in.

After following the instructions to register and acquire one of the Stabby meals, you'll have to go to the store and pick it up. The process is smooth, easy, and quite efficient to execute.

Twitterati reacts to the meal ahead of the Scream 6 release

Stabby Meals has taken to Twitter in its grasp. First, with the Scream popcorn tub and now the McDonald's spinoff meal, the franchise is getting great promotional responses.

The Scream-themed popcorn tub includes a Ghostface popcorn container, a sipper, and a plush toy, among other things.

Scream fandoms are eager to get their hands on limited-edition merchandise that might not appear again because of the combination of a meal and a tub.

The Twitterati cannot wait to get hold of this meal on February 24, 2023.

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