Version 4.2 to 4.8 character release leaks and rerun schedule

April 2024 · 8 minute read

Current Genshin Impact leaks involve banners from Versions 4.2 to 4.8. That's several months' worth of characters who have had their general release windows leaked. A few reruns for 4.2 and 4.3 have also been unveiled online. The content found in leaks isn't always 100% accurate. However, there is a good chance that some of the details described by the leakers below could have some truth to them — given their track records.

This article will cover all the known information about upcoming banners that have been leaked for Versions 4.2 to 4.8. Various credible sources such as Uncle SH, Hutao Lover, and Merlin Impact will be referenced below with regard to the details surrounding some new characters and their potential release versions.

Genshin Impact banners from Version 4.2 to 4.8 leaked

Genshin Impact 4.2 banners

According to the recent Version 4.2 leaks, it would appear as though the current banner schedule is as follows:

Leakers hxg_diluc and Full Stop Chan are the ones behind this information. It is currently confirmed that Furina and Charlotte will be in the 4.2 patch since they appear as playable characters in the 4.2 beta.

Genshin Impact 4.3 banners

According to the official announcement from HoYoverse, the version 4.3 banners will feature the following:

Navia has been revealed to be a 5-star Geo Claymore user who specializes in the Crystallize Elemental Reaction, while Chevreuse is a 4-star Pyro Polearm who is designed to be a Pyro and Electro support.

Genshin Impact 4.4 banners

Full Stop Chan has recently revealed to banner schedule for Genshin Impact's version 4.4. The following characters are slated to appear in this update:

Xianyun aka Cloud Retainer will be the new 5-star planned for this update and she can use the Anemo element. Furthermore, it is worth noting that Gaming aka Lion Dance Boy will also appear in the 4.4 update as a 4-star Pyro unit.

Genshin Impact 4.5 banners

Chiori has a mixed history regarding leaks. Some old rumors said she was only a 4-star, yet more recent information points to her being a 5-star. Current information points to her being a Geo unit, too. She will apparently be playable in Version 4.5, based on the previous Uncle SH roadmap leak posted earlier in this article.

Genshin Impact 4.6 banners

From Mero's Telegram about Arlecchino (Image via Merlin Impact)

The schedule leak posted by Uncle SH suggested that Arlecchino would be playable in Version 4.6. Based on leaker Mero's information, she is a 5-star Pyro Polearm user. Very little is known about the other banners of this patch at present, although there were some old rumors that Sigewinne could be playable in 4.6.

However, Sigewinne is now expected to be in 4.7, as evident in the following leak.

Genshin Impact 4.7 banners

The relevant 4.7 leak (Image via Hutao Lover)

According to the latest leaks provided by Hutao Lover, Version 4.7 will feature two 5-star characters:

Uncle SH revealed part of this information in the character roadmap from Versions 4.4 to 4.7. Interestingly, Sigewinne was initially leaked to be a 5-star Hydro Bow character when she first showed up before leakers stated that she is a 4-star unit. The newest rumors point to her once again being a 5-star entity.

Remember, anything revealed in these leaks is always subject to change, especially for a release several months down the line. Sigewinne is already a perfect example of a character who has seemingly had conflicting leaks.

Genshin Impact 4.8 banners

This old leak stated that Emilie would be in 4.8 (Image via HutaoLover)

Version 4.8 supposedly exists, with the only known new character planned for it being Emilie. She's a famous perfume designer in the game lore, yet there is little to mention about her based on what's been leaked thus far.

It is worth noting that this roadmap from Hutao Lover is older than the one Uncle SH posted. However, it shares the same characters except for Emilie. Any 4-stars the last Fontaine Version Updates might see are yet to be revealed, so missing characters like Mummy Girl could potentially show up in a later leak once those patches are closer to being released.

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