The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona: Genshin Impact quest guide

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona is a simple quest in Genshin Impact. You would face one issue in completing the few tasks available here: just starting it. It's classified as a Hidden World Quest, yet it still includes Primogems, Fontaine Reputation EXP, and other valuable rewards. However, there is a steep pre-requisite you must complete beforehand.

This guide will include everything you need about The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona. For example, you must have already completed the Ancient Colors series. If you haven't done that yet, then you won't be able to get started with this specific quest.

How to complete The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona quest in Genshin Impact

This is where you can start The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona (Image via HoYoverse)

These are the quests you must complete before you can do The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona in Genshin Impact:

The Illusion's Finishings is technically also known as Act I - A Brush of Seafoam and Crimson. Similarly, There Will Come Soft Rains is Act II - A Gradient of Dreams and Ochre. Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog is Act III - Blue Longing of Heart and Moon. All three quests are part of the Ancient Colors series.

Once you complete these pre-requisite quests, head to Merusea Village and seek out a Melusine named Sluasi. Her exact location is marked in the above screenshot.

This is the NPC you talk to to begin this quest (Image via HoYoverse)

Talking to Sluasi will initiate a brief conversation that kickstarts The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona quest in Genshin Impact. The goal is to give her three separate items, meaning the only steps here involve initiating some brief dialogue options.

Here are the items you could give to Sluasi per request:

It doesn't matter what you give her. Genshin Impact players can give whatever items they have. Just note that Sluasi only needs one of each category, so it's not as if you would have to spend a long time farming the items she needs for this quest.

Rewards for completing The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona

Completing this quest is easy (Image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

The rewards for completing The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Corona in Genshin Impact include:

Strange Parts can be used in Xana's shop for spare items.

They could also be used to fix Seymour in There Will Come Soft Rains, but that's no longer relevant since that is required to start Sluasi's quest. Anybody seeking to max out their Fontaine Reputation should find Sluasi's specific inquiry very easy on their road to getting the Fontaine wind glider skin.

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